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Old 05-26-2003, 02:51 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: right behind you...
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
20 years tops, then there wont be any new console because TV's will be PC's.

It says so in Revelation in the Bible.
in 20 years, who knows. i agree with you, but I'd not doubt if we get passed a PC stage. how? no idea!

virtual reality still looks good...... but has been for decades.

i think if Sony puts out a third system by 2005 they'll be okay. if not, and Nintendo holds off, i see sony going down 'first'. if any do.

Sony is a huge business, but they make GOOD stuff. the PSX, though now huge, was just a 'yawn! i'm bored' project that went insanely well. the ps2 is still holding polls, but the X-Box is truly kicking......

Nintendo is in trouble, BUT they are the oldest of the three. they've done well, but they need o do a few things... and think, Nintendo is hurting NOW and they just got done releasing a Mario last year, a Metroid last year, and Zelda -this- year.

if you can't win a poker game with a straight, you can be in trouble.

X-Box won't die for a long time out of the fact that bill gates is the anti-christ

hell.......... i didn't think the X-Box would work at all and i have been prooven very, very wrong.

we'll see.
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