While attending university in upper Manhattan (Washinton Heights) I once went with a friend late at night to a local bodega.
He said, "Watch this...I'm gonna score some rum".
I'm like, "Dude, the liquer store has been closed for hours and all they sell here is beer."
He proceeds to ask the guy behind the bullet proof screen for some rum. The guy shakes his head and says, "no sell rum...jus beer."
Not at all discouraged by the answer, my friend plops down a $20 in the sliding drawer in the divider and like magic, a bottle of rum appears from behind the counter, and is shoved through the revolving bullet proof window.
As we walked out, he explained that it was a lot like when we were in high school and were trying to get girls to put out...they wanted to put out, but honor required that they say no a few times before they could let you have what you wanted.
Bodegas in NY have everything you could ever want, but the 'rules' require that they first say no.
Go figure.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim