So I've worked at a gas station before. 4 years in fact. Don't worry - it's because my parents are in the biz - they own a couple. Anyways - I read a moment about bic lighters and the different colors, and it reminded me of a moment:
So I like to play with the bic lighters I have at said gas station - there's all sorts of colors and designs - depicting all sorts of sports and various activities. I would play with them all in a row, lighting probably 10 or so up at a time, creating quite nice flames. It never occured to me that it was inside. So I was doing this activity once, and I was only half paying attention - so I ended up burning all the hair off of the knuckles on my hand - then setting off the smoke alarm. Being as close to the fire station as this gas station was - they came over with a fire truck, expecting a fire - fire chief (who I knew pretty well, as well as all the other people in that town) saw my burnt knuckles and just laughed. I gave them all drinks on the house. Later, he asked me if I sold the lighters I emptied all the fluid out of by playing with them to people. Why wouldn't I?
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim