So there I am; peacefully snoozing away late into a Sunday morning. My early-rising type girlfriend calls. We chat for a few minutes and agree to meet up for brunch in a couple hours. Problem is, I never actually woke up at any part of the conversation. I was still fully asleep and our conversation was simply the manifestation of my subconscious jealously guarding my sleep, trying to make her go away. So once I'm half an hour late she calls me again and actually wakes me up and I have absolutely zero recollection of her earlier call. She was pissed that I blew her off, but what really freaked her out was that I'd ended the conversation with an automatic "I love you" that she didn't think I could have meant.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim