Sometimes people ask questions and then lurk their own thread. If you can track that it is the case that the OP never revisited the thread to see the answers... actually it's still silly to lock on active thread because it means other members are getting something out of the thread even if the OP isn't.
It also bugs the shit out of me the number of message boards that have policies against both of the following: Posting the same shit that pops up every couple of weeks; and resurrecting old threads.
The active membership of a healthy board is a constant flow of new members. A really good way to destroy the life of a board is to lock all topics that the new people want to talk about because the previous cycle of active users talked about it when it was their turn.
People don't post on message boards because they are looking for an answer to their question. They post because they want to have an interactive discussion about their question... reading/bumping months old threads on similar topics is less likely to fullfill that need than posting a new (redundant) one. You're essentially saying "You can't have that fun because we already had it."
Simple Machines in Higher Dimensions