So you're saying that newbs do not have the right to ask a question?
Take a look at the DP thread that was posted for example. The initial poster posted a little more info after being prodded. The thread was at 7 replies before it was locked. It likely would have gone on to achieve a much hight count given a chance. That would only mean one thing, the members are interested.
I agree with the incredibly redundant argument to a degree. How many times do we need to hear someone asking about thier breakup? On the other hand sometimes a repetative tread will bring about new life to a subject that bumping an existing played out thread will not. Often these are locked just as they are getting going. If you've replied to a subject and don't want to participate again it is your perogative to keep quiet if you wish. If you want the community to grow you've got to allow the members a measure of freedom or they will fade away. If no one is interested in a thread because it has been beaten to death previously it will quickly slide to obscurity without the help of the lock.