An open letter to the mods
Why do moderators feel it necessary to lock a thread that is getting responses? Sure, occasionally an initial post does not have the posters opinion/experience but his next post often explaines a little more why he/she was posting. Perhaps he/she was testing the waters to see if others had the same viewpoint as his/her own. Perhaps he/she did not want to post his/her viewpoint for fear of being ridiculed. If one can not ask questions in an open forum such as this how will they find the knowledge they seek but to try a different forum?
If a thread is getting responses it will stay active until it is played out, if it gets no responses it quickly slides onto page 2 and is likely forgotten. If the participants in a forum can not speak freely and easily due to excessive moderation the "community" will suffer . I've noticed that the TFP is not the thriving site it once was. Perhaps others, like myself, do not like being condecended to and told what we can or can not post/read.
I'm not saying I want a forum with no moderation but perhaps you should think twice before locking down potentially lively threads.
Anyone else here have an opinion they'd like to share?