Originally Posted by inkriminator
Finally, does it irk anyone else how secretive everyone is? They do all these crazy things, (new hatch, medical complex, meet the Others) and either don't tell anyone or only a relative few...this is really starting to bother me because if I were on a a deserted island with black ghosts and OTHERS and hatches and buttons i'd sure as hell try and figure out what was going on...great series though.
Henry's commentary on that from the armory was brilliant. "Boy, you guys really have trust issues..."
Seriously, though, it started innocently enough--Jack kept the existence of the briefcase full of guns a secret because it might get out of hand if people knew about them (he was thinking mainly of Sawyer, I think, but he also didn't much trust Kate at the time). Then Locke kept the hatch a secret, because he didn't know what he was dealing with and wanted to know more before he told anybody. Then they justified keeping secrets because they didn't want to cause a scare or get people's hopes up...
One way or another, there's this "in the loop" thing. It's been referred to a few times. Remember Arszt? The exploding science teacher? He had a great rant about how "there are over 40 of us! How come you eight or twelve are so important?" Hurley bugged Jack about it just recently too--"You know, if you kept me in the loop about this sort of stuff, I could be way more helpful." "There's no loop." "Oh, there's a loop."