Chicken ramen and Kraft dinner...gotta always have those on hand as backup. Plus, chicken ramen is exactly what I want when I'm hung over.
Hummus. I love it with tortilla chips.
Juanitas Tortilla Chips. I'll eat other kinds, but Juanitas are my favorite, because they're made in Oregon and so they taste fresh.
Jonagold apples. From Washington. I don't buy apples from NZ. Washington only. I'm also REALLY picky about the quality of my apples.
Walla Walla sweets when they're in season. This year, after watching Alton Brown's onion episode, I will have the means to store these onions far after their season is up. This is very exciting to me. I love Walla Walla sweets beyond reason. Vidalias are all right, but they don't compare to the giants from Washington State.
Rainier cherries. I like them ever so much more than the Bings when they're in season. Like Ben, I can eat a whole half-flat in a single sitting. Mmm.
And Mal, I too love those soy-wasabi almonds. I bought a big thing at Costco of them. Mmm.
Really good cheese. Brie, parmigiano reggiano, Tillamook Special Reserve, camembert, and fresh Alsea Acres goat cheese with herbs. Mm. Most of these things I can get at Costco for cheap. Yay, Costco.
Mochi ice cream is one of my Trader Joe favorites. That and their variety of chocolate. I always buy too many bars of Scharffen-Berger when I'm there, and Droste pastilles for cooking. Oh, and the ever-present Two Buck Chuck. I cannot leave TJs without a couple bottles of it.
I'll stop now...
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau