Originally Posted by dtheriault
Both this advice and the picture taking are a bit paranoid, but if it helps make you feel calmer as a parent then go ahead and do it.
the picture isn't necessarily paranoid.. Years back, when I was young and had more patience... I was managing a pretty large retail store... One of the associates found a little kid wandering the aisles with no parent to be seen. The kid wasn't even in toys, he was in housewares. They took him to customer service and let him play in the play area we had set up for lost kids. we made an announcement that there was a lost child (more than one that day, and for the parent to please come to customer service) The kid didn't know his name, the kid didn't know his parent's name (Mommy).
Hysterical mommy shows up in customer service unable to speak... Between the pleas of "I'm a bad mother"< ok that's beside the point, what's your child's name? What was he wearing (I think we had three kids in kiddie jail at that moment) Mother could not tell us what she dressed her child in that day, the child couldn't tell us his name, and we couldn't allow the parents back in a restricted area... what do we do next/ have a kiddie parade and she picks the one she likes best?
A picture helps to remember what the child was wearing and what the kid looks like at that moment, in the event that the child wanders off... Kids do that sometimes...