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Old 05-16-2006, 11:13 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Texarkana, Texas, USA
I'm sorry I am coming out of the Blue of this... But if anyone looks up the Gospel of Gnostic I think it spelled... All of his disciples(however that is spelled) you will see that Mary Magdalene was his beloved companion and apostle..disciple whatever.. The bible just loves their big and hard words... and as this topic started.. it also kills and pains me when they say "These new finds are new" when they have been here for decades...just most people have or our ignorence has prevented us knownlege of it.
Just for the info, Mary Magdalene has inspire me to search for something more truer.. .Why? I don't know.. You know kinda just make me want yell "FINNALLY A WOMAN IN BIBLICAL HISTORY WHO GOT SOMETHING TO REPRESENT" since women right were pretty much shot down in the gospels that have been commonly preasented to us.
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