Originally posted by gov135
The question is an important one. You should know history.
But while never technically impeached, I thnk its ok that students relate Nixon to impeachment. Although not technically happening, the important part to know is that Harding and Nixon were awful Presidents with awful track records.
I always thought that picture of Nixon waving to the press before getting on that plane glamourized the situation....
But knowing about how corrupt the Harding administration was is important. When it happens again, we shouldn't be shocked.
It's an unfortunate truth that representative democracies are , by their very nature, prone to corruption; we should never be shocked when one of our elected representatives does something illegal; I was friends with a gentleman who was the county chairman for the Republican party in my area. We were discussing the whole Nixon thing one time and he said to me "Remember, a politician is someone who can't make it in the real world, government has NOTHING to do with reality." He sure was smart; I miss him.