Originally Posted by Elphaba
But as you and Host pointed out before, it DOES NOT MATTER. Really, Stevo, Libby is charged for lying while under oath among other things. Y'know, just like Clinton.
good for libby. if he was elected he should be impeached. but he wasn't. so he should just go to jail.
I've already said it:
The whole point to this investigation was to take some half-assed allegations throw them around and see if bush's admin can get themselves into trouble. And look what happened. But my point is...even if libby eneded up breaking the law. There was no wrongdoing by the administration in the first place. The whole basis of this hoopla is nothing more than a liberal attempt to smear the right.
But since the man the left got was Libby and not Rove, they aren't satisfied. They'll keep going at it until they "cut the head from the body."