All I can say is that I've been there... especially when I have absolutely no structure in my days (which is often, as a graduate student). I am currently ending one of my blessedly liminal periods after a semester has ended (finals week was a real doozy for me, after a very demanding courseload for 17-odd weeks)... I did nothing, exactly what you did, for days and days on end.
Now I have to start up a new semester with a new class and homework requirements. Unfortunately, it's only for an hour and 15 minutes each day, which means that I have to organize the rest of my workday by myself. I am not very good at doing that. I am going to start tomorrow by going to the gym at 10am, though, and hope that it gets better from there. For me, sometimes it just takes one scheduled activity early on... and yeah, sometimes even that doesn't work. Let me know what you figure out.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran