Getting motivated and back on track.
I got up two hours too late. I ate sweats for breakfast. I got stuck on the computer...for 4 hours, watched 5 episodes of Samurai Champloo and did some other jazz. I accomplished only three things on my list of things to do for today and a few of the things I put off are pretty important.
I hate days like this. I hate how failures seem to cascade one after another until you finally give up all attempt to pull things together and do something really dumb like watch shows for 2.5 hours or surf the net for a quarter of a day. It always starts small. I didn't have to wake up early today. I can make up for a healthy breakfast later. I can surf the net a little longer. By the time I am ready to move, my morale is broken and I say to myself awwwww - fuck it.
I am never going to get things done if I keep having days like this. Once a week is too often. I'll settle for once a month thank you - or never.
I am developing a startegy for possitive momentum in my life and my weakness (on top of grammar, spelling and kryptonite) is that nothing short of a good night's sleep will reversing negative momentum in my day...
This is your chance to have a Anthony Robbins moment! Thought's, ideas, fun stories involving flatulence, and starategies on dealing with this issue are welcome.