Originally Posted by maleficent
I seem to find lost kids a lot - one thing that you want to make sure your kids know (even when they are upset) that mommy's name isn't MOMMY - Mommy has a real name - first and last - so when the kid does get lost --mommy and daddy can be paged. I cannot tell you how many kids I've seen, especially when i worked in retail, that could not tell you the parents name...
If you've got a digital camera with you on the trip - take a picture of the kid... if he does get lost... you'll know exactly what he was wearing and are able to describe him.
We worked on names this weekend as a matter of fact. He'll have them down pat by the time we go!
Thats a great idea about the labels, Redlemon. I'll definitely look into that. Maybe even something like that in keyring fashion to attach to a belt loop....
Thanks for the input, dtherialt. My son has seen quite a few movies, so he's already excited for the movie ones. I've been to the California Adventure and I'm sure he'll like the bugs life section too.
We aren't going until July, but I'll have to post how the trip went afterwards