Well, if they want a new title, they have to fill out the current title, take it to the DMV, and get a new title. However, you can sign the title and release your interest in the vehicle. Your girlfriend would then take that to the DMV and get herself a new title for the car. Furthermore, to protect your own interests, do write out a bill of sale. Look on your DMV's website. They should have information about all of this. I know in Oregon they have a bill of sale you can print out from their site. Make sure to write "as is" on the bill of sale. ALWAYS write "as is" on the bill of sale, even if you're not really selling the vehicle. (I sold my car last summer to a girl who then tried to return it a month later...I told her that the bill of sale said "as is", I had a copy, and to kiss my ass when she threatened legal action...haven't heard a thing since
