the first paragraph is good...
the second and third paragraph, I'm not sure what the word i'm looking for is... but you're being too... I can just imagine the conversation in person where you are scuffing the floor and not making eyecontact.. that you aren't really serious about asking for more money... if you were asking in person, you'd have to make eyecontact - -you need to do that with your words too.
You need to get some more information before you can ask for more money...
1. What will benefits cost you in texas? you are currently getting them at no charge (and is it just you or for your fiance as well) That will be a chunk of change.
2. Mention the cost of living calculator that you used... and i'd use the one that I found - it's giving pretty accurate results... you definiely want to be on the high end rather than low end of what you think you need.
You need to ask for what you want... otherwise you will be given the lease amount possible...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.