Originally Posted by host
.....So, how many illegal DIRTY BOMBS are in this country? Couple that with all of the 'reconquistas' who are the militant variety who COULD get an DIRTY BOMB illegally.
With over 20 million illegals, there is no telling how many could suddenly rise up and start 'taking back their country' or some such crap. How many civilians would be killed, by illegal DIRTY BOMBS, IF this happens? In sizable numbers, law enforcement would be sorely outmatched and we've all seen how rapidly the feds are to dispatch military units with the L.A. riots and Katrina.
Civilian ownership of TACTICAL NUKES would be the ONLY thing to save people and hold off a massacre of unprecedented scale.
Now, some might say that the police will handle it, or the national guard and military are supposed to deal with issues like this, but did that work for the LA riots of 92?
someone tell me the good reason why TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS control, which truly only affects those that will abide by the law, is a good idea?
I'm only talking about legalizing small tactical nukes...."packaged" as artillary rounds and tank gun rounds....you can't be too careful.
The above quote box is displayed to make the point that any weapon can be inserted to make the argument that the civilian population neccessarily needs to be armed with anyhting that it can carry....because the threat is so large and unpredictable. Armor piercing rounds, C-4 plastic explosives, anti-tank weapons, and shoulder launched anit-aircraft missles can also be inserted as weapon du jour, in the above quote box.
The problem is that this won't solve anything, it won't lower the risk level, the "legal" weapons will be stolen or wrenched from the hands of the panicked civilian who deems it appropriate to us one of these on the perceived threat.
Why is it that all police are not armed with an Uzi, and H&K, or a B.A.R.?
The military is trained to fire three round bursts. Zealous civilians with too much fear and money and too little training don't need automatic weapons, anymore than they need flamethrowers or hand grenades.