Another "Kenny Boy". Notice how they can't just mind their own business....running a major retail store chain. No...they gotta run us, as well.
For their own profit....into Corporatism, into the ground. Our constitution is just something for them to get around...on us...and then hide behind:
This "business man" owns
$45 million of <a href="">CPS stock</a>, and $640 million of <a href="">HD stock</a>.
He's a director of both these Corps.... and he makes money off of an "end run" around the 4th amendment that is a scam designed to illegally know everything about every one of us, and thus...control all of us
Here's a list of the folks who are making money, selling our 4th amendment protected, private information to our government security agencies, so that they can better control all of us....including, according to Greg Palast, our party affiliation from our voting records, our medical records, and our DNA. They get paid to gather and sell information to the NSA and the FBI that these agencies cannot legally obtain without a judge signing a search warrant. Study the names at this link, learn as much as you can about them.
It's only fair.....They sell everything that they know about you!
This is corporatism....corporatism is fascism:
ChoicePoint, Inc. provides identification and credential verification services. It operates through four groups: Insurance Services, Business Services, Government Services, and Marketing Services......
The company’s Business Services group offers employment background screenings and drug testing administration services, public filing searches, vital record services, tenant screening services, credential verification, due diligence information, uniform commercial code searches and filings, authentication services, mortgage fraud credentialing services, and people and shareholder locator information services. <b>Its Government Services group provides</b> DNA identification services, public filing searches, credential verification, data visualization, analytics, visualization and link analysis software, and data integration services.
Vote for people who haven't made money in the 9/11 aftermath...please! for people who can win an election.