Originally Posted by Nimetic
Knife throwing is not that easy, even while standing
Actually it can be learned in an afternoon, with a balanced knife, but still a unbalance kitchen knife can kill when thrown across a room, a lucky hit on a leg or neck artery will kill in minutes; she still was a threat.
Originally Posted by Nimetic
What is a hammer going to do?
Stand 10 feet a way from me and see what I can do with a hammer
Seriously, throwing a hammer will hurt you, especially if the claws hit first, breaking bone, and lord help you if it hits in the groin; she was a threat.
Originally Posted by Nimetic
These police need to toughen up a little. Perhaps also they should be forced to work for a while, without weapons, in institutions that expose them to people with mental health issues, people with dementia and with the disabled.
um... wow, taking away a cops weapon... wow... first off, they are not trained to deal with people with mental health issues, they are law enforcement, and second the only thing that protects cops from lawbreaker are there weapons, taking away a cop’s weapon is like taking away a firefighters hose.
The police were called by the family because the family knew the woman was out of the families control, the cops came and dealt with the situation as they saw fit, fallowing regulations. It is unfortunate that she died, but the taser was the right tool for the job.
For anyone out there that has not been tasered, its not that painful, its 2 prongs that stick into you, they hurt like a bee sting, and then the electricity is not so much as a pain, but it causes your muscles to spasm and you can no longer control your movement in the effected area. I find it fun, but that’s just me (the lack of self control). Further more, the cause of her death is still under investigation. To blame the cops for her death because they were following procedure is irrational, with out being there, we can only speculate. imo the cops acted accordingly.