she deserved getting shocked if she couldnt handle a zap from a tazer she souldnt of been swinging a knife. If someone in a wheel chair or not is swinging weapons around at a cop for all i care that cop can pick up a 2x4 and crack them in the face with it. The tazer normaly dosnt do any real damage and the fluke that it killed her this time was nothing but bad luck. The cops didnt do anything wrong.
Someone that uses a wheel chair normaly has very strong arms she could throw that hammer very hard and it would be easy to break bones with Just about any hammer. a kitchen knife could be anything from a small butter knife to a cleaver so who knows what that could of been. i Know i have knives in my kitchen that could kill if thrown at someone.
Last edited by Plaid13; 05-14-2006 at 10:30 AM..