Originally Posted by Rekna
For those of you claiming that the government only has annonymous numbers grab your home phone number and type it into google and see what you get back. This doesn't work for all numbers but any numbers that appear in phonebooks it does (ie no cell phones).
I would feel better about this if the phone companies didn't give them the phone numbers and instead only gave them unique ID's for who was calling who and the government had to get warrents in order to determine which ID belonged to which phone number but even that is iffy.
Originally Posted by Elphaba
Stevo, you are either naive or believe the rest of us are. I have read in today's papers that there are numerous public directories sorted by phone number or address. In fact, give me your phone number and I will find your name and address in my 2006 Cole Information Services Directory. If a reverse directory like this is available to the general public, why would you believe that this or something far more sophisticated isn't available to NSA?
If you doubt me... www.coleinformation.com
Those directories have been around for thirty years, at least. I used to use the "reverse directory" in the library; now you don't have to drive there.
If the information is already public knowledge, it's a little late to gripe about the government having it.
And yes, I know that's not the same as the phone company records of calls.
If you're really concerned, buy one of those phones that you buy minutes for at a grocery store, register it online at an internet cafe, and you're home free. It's cheaper, anyway--cheating spouses just love them.