All I see from the Democrats is anti-Bush rhetoric while at the same time many of them vote right along with the Republicans in regards to the wars, draconian legislation, and outrageous spending. Gore really has nothing to offer and the complicity of the Democrats makes a 3rd party candidate my only choice for 08.
What is there to gain by voting more of the same in? He's not going to reverse any of the damage done to the Constitution or the push for one branch (executive) control. The only appeal a Democrat has to me is that all these neo-cons who love Bush's agenda will suddenly wake up and question the powers Gore inherited just because they hate liberals.
:sigh: the voting system is so comprimised I dunno if voting is even that significant anymore. 00 and 04 were pretty sketchy, maybe they won't even bother to hold an 08 election due to bird flu, or 'terrorists'.