Originally Posted by shakran
It may not usually be the case, but it is the case in the U of Wisconsin system. Look it up - the info's out there on the net.
And btw Vincentt, 12 credits and up and you're considered a full time student. Above 18 usually requires approval from the dean of your college.
According to University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's website, the cost of attendance for an independent student (over the age of 23) is similar to the cost of attendance at my university (Oregon State University). Their calculation for expenditures totals $15,492, including $5,640 for tuition and books. Tuition at UW-Whitewater was $2,627 per term (12-18 credits) as of Spring 2006; the fee schedule for Fall 2006 isn't available yet.
While even part-time students are available for aid, the amount of aid severely decreases, and according to federal aid guidelines, if you're taking under a certain number of credits, they cannot include things like transportation or incidentals in the theoretical budget they use to calculate aid given. I sincerely doubt that this guy is receiving aid, however, as I don't think he falls under "satisfactory academic progress" made.