being a musician....
Good music, not mindless music. Something in there that speaks to their abilities as a musician to play with some level of skill. I'm not interested in people playing the same 5 chords every song, I want some melodies, some harmonies, solos, different tones. It has to be changing, it has to be engaging to the ears. I want them to sound rehersed, not like they're frigging around with their sets.
The artist has to have a lot of energy. I don't want to have to be convinced they are pasionate about what they're doing, I want it to be obvious, slamming into me, punching me in the face (figurtively)
They don't need lights or crazy systems but they at least have to sound good and know how to work the stage in terms of their sound.
When the crowd is having fun I have more fun, mob mentality. I've been to a lot of shows in my time, the best ones are when the Ladies are dancing on stage topless.
However I don't go anymore really. I dislike smoky places to the point that I almost refuse to go unless the act is of truly exceptional levels as well musical tastes don't fit that sort of venue style anymore (bars or clubs)
anyway, my thoughts.
"A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune." - unknown quote