Originally Posted by CaliLivChick
The couple that I bought my first car from were both named Kim...
How's this for a blast in the face:
I have these two friends, one guy and one girl. They dated. They dated for quite a while, and then they got married. Their names are Jamie and Jamie. Yeah, spelled the same way. Their birthdays are both on the exact same day- March 1st- of the same year. He was born here in Florida, but she was born in New Hampshire and her family moved down here to Florida a few years later. Her middle name is Michelle. His middle name is Michael. I'm not making it up. Just to really add an extra weirdness to it, their last names both start with the same letter- and are fairly similar... sort of along the lines of Johnson and Johnston, that similar (though obviously that's not the name). So when they get mail, they have no idea who it's to, because everything says Jamie Lastname now that they're married. Initials are useless in telling them apart. The last time I spoke with them, Jamie was expecting, and they planned on naming the kid either Michelle Jamie Lastname or Michael Jamie Lastname, depending on whether it's a girl or a boy. I think that's awesome. OH- and Jamie and Jamie's middle names (Michelle and Michael) are both the name of a grandparent, and both from their mother's side... one is jamie's mother's father's name, the other is jamie's mother's mother's name.
Talk about crazy coicidences, huh? I wrote a paper on synchronicity as an english assignment years back, and used them in the paper... the more questions I asked them, the more weirded out I got.
And hmm, threadjacking.. seemed like a good idea at the time...