Originally Posted by red0blivia
i enjoy posts by people with a view that opposes my own, because it allows me to see the thinking behind their persective, when i previously may have not been able to fathom why someone would take that particular stance.
I love this comment, and couldn't agree more. I'd add that before I post a pro/con opinion about something current, I'll run it against my own hypocrisy check. For me, that check is: would I feel this way if someone I respect did it?
For example, there is a wiretapping thread going currently. I think it's outrageous and wrong that the NSA has taken such liberties. My check: I would feel the same if Clinton had ok'd it, without a doubt. In contrast, there are people supporting it ("it's no big deal!") that I think would have blood coming out of their eyes if it had happened on Clinton's watch.
While I fully confess I might be wrong on that particular point, there is no question there is a myteam/yourteam kneejerk that happens in political conversation. I think we all are better off if we can all police ourselves a little better.
edit: and just to be clear, I don't profess to be great at this. My point is that most all of us can probably do better.