I wish someone had actually sat me down and showed me how to apply makeup properly. I wore far too much for far too long.
I know what you mean Sharon. I haven't done this .... or at least no one's told me, but you kind of think your mum or gfs would be kind enough to drop hints or tell you out right.
My birds & bees talk so to speak, was coming home from primary school to find a copy of 'Look What's Happening To Me' on my pillow. So I flick through (the sperm looked so cute with their smiley faces - see very advanced reading. Thanks mum) and find the page that has the progressive timeline of a females body. I look at where I should be - specifically at the breast sizes. Well needless to say. I'm still waiting.
Also those diagrams you get in the tampon packets where the ladys body is cut in half and is suppose to show you how to insert a tampon. How in the hell is this suppose to be a guide???!