This thread has me cracking up.
It also makes me fear for having children, and watching them make such originally stupid mistakes (knowing how many stupid things I myself did, as a child). How many ER trips do the average parents have to make??
In any case, I am a lot like Sultana's mom, apparently...
Originally Posted by Sultana
Heh, this reminds me of a story my mom told me of when she was around 8, she decided to see how far she could ride her bike with her eyes closed.
because when I was also about 8, I decided to try and ride my mom's bike (it was far too big for me) down our gravel road and see how far I could ride with my eyes closed AND no hands. Yes, blind no-handed biking! After a few brief seconds of awe and wonder (taking drugs would have gotten me the same result and been safer, at that point), I found myself on the ground with a barbed-wire fence embedded in the inside of my elbow. I screamed and hollered for my dad... nope, too far away. Finally ripped my arm off the fence and rode the bike (hmm, eyes open this time) back home for first-aid.
Other events that come to mind:
Letting my dad put me on the neighbor's horse (who had wandered into our yard), with nothing but a carpet piece under my butt... and the horse promptly taking off at a full gallop (I was about 7-8 years old)... my dad told me to "HANG ON!!!"... and then, "JUMP OFF!!!" I had never ridden a horse before. I jumped off. My mom saw it all happen from the kitchen window. Boy, that was fun.
Creating a little clubhouse with my best girl friend at the time (age 8 again, ha ha) and putting up dirty notes like "Wanted: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Big Dick" (really, don't ask me why... she was a dirty friend who corrupted me, but I had a few of those)... and then my dad finding those. And having to go through that talk with him. When I was 8.
Driving my mo-ped/scooter around our rural property (I got that when I was... yes, 8 years old) with friends on the back... and going over jumps until they flew off and/or we crashed. I know that at least one girl still has a scar on her leg.
You'd think I would have been satisfied just playing with dolls and such... nope. Hated dolls, in fact. Obviously not dangerous enough.