Originally Posted by willravel
And people wonder why terrorists do what they do. If there were to be an armed resistence, it would be what is now known as terrorism. There would not be massive civilian armies a la Revolutionary war. There would be blacked out terrorist (or rebel) cells located all over the country. The military could find some of them, but never all of them. These cells would carry out totally independant attacks on government and military targets randomly (which is why I couldn't be directly involved: I don't kill people). Eventually the president and key government figures would go into hiding, martial law would be declaired, and things would get pretty bad for a while. Secret arrests and murders would turn many American citizens against the government, and then the rebelion would gain more and more support. Eventually it'll be a shrinking military vs. a very big rebelion. Then again, maybe the Republicans will grow balls and stand up to their BS leadership. One can only hope.
You're presupposing a level of organization that I just find impossible given the state of technology today and the level of surveillance that goes with it. I find it impossible to believe that a grass-roots rebellion could get to the level of sophistication that you're implying without the government swooping in and arresting the majority of the conspirators.