Originally Posted by stevo
I don't understand why people werent outraged in 1994, when a democratic president, backed by a democratic house and democratic president passed the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994
Everyone please read it before you listen to what the numbskulls in the media are telling you. http://www.askcalea.net/calea.html
an excerpt:
stevo, this
not a partisan issue.
i have been, and am, outraged by
many things the democrats have done.
and i am completely disgusted by their complicity and lack of spine in regard to all of the, ever escalating, disenfranchisements and injustices commited by the current administartion.
i am not a democrat - i am an independent.
i think our two party system is greatly flawed and a disgrace to the deMOCKracy our country is supposed to represent.
but even if you subscribe to any given political party, why would you disservice yourself by defending them, even as they are taking your rights away?