Originally Posted by raeanna74
When I was 7 - turning around to see how far ahead of my friend that I was, while riding my bicycle at top speed. I turned back around to face forward just in time to see a telephone pole in my path. That's all I remember. I'm missing the next 3 or 4 hours of my life there. No memory of it at all. Except that I woke with a huge black eye that lasted for months and a headache that lasted almost as long.
I did the exact same thing! I was totally winning when I turned around to gloat. My difference is that I hit a bollard meant to block vehicles from taking the path. I did a complete somersault over the handlebars and landed flat on my back. It's a miracle that I didn't hit my un-helmeted head on the pavement and was able to walk away unscathed.