Originally Posted by little_tippler
...snip...You can only test positive for it if you have visible signs. So how will you know? You could still transmit it to someone else, though it is rare if you have no visible signs any more....snip...
I had it. I had no visible signs. Once you have an abnormal PAP smear then they schedule another in 3 or 6 mo. If that one is abnormal as well they schedule a Colposcopy (miserable procedure). During a colposcopy they put an orangy/yellow dye on your vaginal walls and cervix. The dye turns black if they find pockets of the virus and they excise whatever pockets they find. I had no warts whatsoever. They biopsied and tested and told me exactly what strain I'd had. They have since tested again and found no virus. There is a test but they have to biopsy in order to do it. A biopsy is not indicated if there are no abnormal cells when they do a Pap smear. Even if a person has no visible signs such as warts a Pap smear will still show if there is a strain of HPV virus present.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.