fairly incoherent ramblings...
flogging words are dry,... like the retentive insomniacs that bubble through the magma that has hardened in plagiarism.
fear not the drooping clocks of the prima facie case. my extended flattery clobbers the cobbles of the bump-drive popularity contest.
pure slovenly rhymes are grimly in time with the influence that surrounds the average visitor from the planet of ape-like, but not buzzardly, intestines.
abandon yourself and jump into the tribal treble of the mutating flagellum of mucous membranes.
and if it is not resentment you represent, then DON'T, in the name of the crescendo of concavial influence, become the student of a workmanship conveyer belt!!!
BEWARE... for the conceptual presence of a more mundane soul-shlepper has grown in strength!
from the time of a gummy worm's birth, in the form of a gooey and vicious attacker who will take no redundancy to heart, to the era of his own complexity of integrated silk sheets and, what can only be conceived as, depraved nudity in a 400 lb. balaclava.
don't be alarmed by the magnitude of the innuendo at hand, as the simple seizmological feedback trackmaster is bulldozed to the tranforming trance.
the words that are uttered, from the moulth of the flippant glue gumlett, bear no mark on my pacified sorcery.