See what I did there? I used words to provoke an emotional response in the reader.
I know that teachers do a great job. I know that they are the most underpaid profession in society. I know they have passion. I respect every person that goes into the classroom and helps a kid like I was start to use their talents.
My point was (and still is) that parents are getting off the hook here. What other great pieces of literature are the students missing? Why aren't the parents giving their child a better understanding of history, classics and the world around them by getting their kid away from the television and into the library?
If the United States (and other countries, but let's stay on topic here) is wondering why other nation's children do better academically, can they not look at the home, instead of the school?
There is simply no excuse for a child to miss the classics.
And teaching Tarantino instead of Shakespeare is a pretty bad idea.
I will not sit idly by and let a teacher (or school board, or principal, or coach) define my child's education. I will also teach. I will live my life to provide a good example.
edit: And I have seen some pretty brain-dead people walk through the College of Education. That is from personal experience. I will not make a blanket judgement of all teachers. Please do the same.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.
Last edited by BigBen; 05-12-2006 at 06:43 AM..
Reason: One more thing to add...