Originally Posted by smooth
I don't even understand why one would need to take out the religious tone of the letter for it to come from a progessive. I know both leftists and democrats who find themselves to be religious and/or christian.
Thank you for saying that. Some people love good stereotype, and progressives as Godless leaf eaters is still PC enough for people to use it.
But it is a stereotype. A bad one at that.
As to the letter and any resemblance to left leaning American thought, it's so much nonsense when you take into account the scope of Ahmadinejad's other statements, such as the one where he wishes for a real holocaust to happen to Jews. And the rhetoric he preaches that women must be covered head to toe and are not deserving of civil rights.
Yeah, those ideas are so similar to what progressives push.
The real failure (so far) with this letter is the utter lack of response from the US. Sec. Rice's response can easily be interpretted as "nyah nyah I can't hear you.." Karen Hughes, who was put in charge of world diplomacy just for this kind of situation is on vacation and not responding.
So the world looks at this letter and sees some thoughtful rhetoric, despite the fact that it is almost entirely hollow BS, because Ahmadinejad doesn't practice what he preaches. And we say nothing. This is why the Bush adminstration is so pathetic and dysfunctional. They can't get out any sort of coherent message to engage the rest of the world,
despite creating a position and hiring Karen Hughes to do just that.
The US has helped a great deal more muslims than Ahmadinejad has, and nobody is mentioning that. I imagine some of the earthquake victims in Pakistan might be aware of it. I wonder if Bush is even aware that his country has sent over millions in aid dollars.
How about responding to the line about our "liberal" values being detrimental to the world. He's talking about liberal values like the right to vote, live, and dress as we please.
Nothing. Nothing from Hughes, or Rice, or Bush.