Originally Posted by host
The "defenders" post less and less, even as the scandals grow more alarming, more intertwined; larger in scale, in the cost to our government...
The frequency of my posts are correlated to the stock market, not the poor logic used here or in the media to demonize Bush. When I move money to cash, I have more time to kill.
All I know is that the economy is strong, business is good, the stock market is good, unemployment is low, homeownership is high, inflation is low, no attacks here since 9/11, schools are improving and my garbage gets picked up on time.
Oh I forgot - and the sky is falling - the sky is falling. Heck the sky has been falling for the last 5 years. When are the liberals going to actually find an impeachable offense or something? when are women going to start needing to get abortions in back alleys, etc, etc, etc. When is all the predicted doom and gloom going to occur?