Originally Posted by Charlatan
The thing I keep thinking is why didn't he just graduate and then go on to grad school? He could have had a Phd by now.
Not necessarily. I once had a 41-year-old woman friend once who'd been in grad school continuously for 20 years or so and _still_ didn't have her PhD. She was from money and brains -- daddy had co-invented modern color TV for RCA -- and so her folks bankrolled her indefinitely, as long as she stayed in school. She was a grad student at many of the big eastern schools including MIT and never completed a phd program. She was having too much fun sleeping late and smoking dope and bullshitting with academics.
Finally she ended up in biophysics at UC Berkeley and tried to slack there as long as possible. But they were a little less tolerant than the eastern schools; even though she screwed up in various ways, they practically shoved the piece of paper in her hand and slammed the door behind her. Once she had her phd, daddy stopped paying and she had to go out and get a regular job.
The moral: some people just won't leave as long as long as someone else is paying the bill, whether it be the public trust or the parents.