I agree with Ustwo. Oh, geez. Now I've done it. Well, I could be in worse company. This crap gets trotted out every year around Mother's Day to make the "I am my kid's mom" crowd feel better about their choices.
Here is the real facts as I see them. If my "stay at home mom" wife doesn't feel like cooking dinner that day, or burns the rice, or doesn't do a thorough job of cleaning the bathroom, or doesn't fold all of the laundry, she gets a pass, maybe even a pat on the back because she had a bad day and just couldn't get everything done. If I had hired a person to do any of these same things, and they failed in this way, they would fired! Immediately!
The idea of comparing a "stay at home" parent's worth to that of a paid employee is ridiculous since there is no penalty for failure.
For every working mom or dad out there who gave up lucrative and rewarding careers to stay at home and raise their offspring, there have got to be 5-10 unemployable, useless wastes of space who ended up getting knocked up and have now ascended to the praiseworthy position of stay at home parent simply by not going to work.
I'm sure that I am opening myself up to all sorts of hateful posting by the parents on here that are dedicated and working hard to raising their children. To them I say, I'm not talking about you. I just grow tired of seeing these ridiculous numbers thrown out year after year.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein