I picked up Japanese language 3 years ago, cold turkey, at the age of 18. Now I am 21 and know 500 kanji and am nearly fluent.
What did I realize? In terms of speaking, fluency with a language is being put in positions where you have to say things you don't know, remember how you learned the right way to say them, and then having the intelligence to create similar sentances but with different vocabulary.
Eventually, the store of phrases and words you have in your head is so large, you can call upon anything smoothly because you have said it before, or something similar to it. English is the same way for me I've realized, only I've been speaking it and have been immersed in it for so long that my web of connecting "I know how to say that" phrases can be mixed and matched so seamlessly that I'm very fluent. That's how Japanese works too.
Learning Kanji is a completely different disicpline entirely, but in terms of grammar and speech, this is what I've found applies to me.
Dont be afraid to change who you are for what you could become