Originally Posted by stevo
hey mods. have we had enough yet? We went on for 3 full pages discussing physics, fire temperatures, if it was possible that the fires brought down the WTC, to comparing engine photos. It seems to have moved beyond that. Obviously there are some people, who, no matter how much evidence is presented, are never going to believe 9/11 wasn't a government conspiracy. Aside from what some rookie says, yes this is paranoia - whats the difference from what this thread has become and the 911 threads in the paranoia forum? To keep this thread in the politics forum is a disgrace. I thought we were trying to clean up Politics. This is only a step backward.
first of all, please stop trying to play nazi and have mods take this away from those who are, actually, contributing to the discussion and/or are enjoying reading through it.
secondly, if you wish to take part in discussion of politics, you must realize that there will
always be differences of opinions and a variance in interpretations of facts.
just because people do not think as you do does not automatically render them wrong or their perspective useless (if you are evolved enough to listen to and digest other's views).
once again, if this convo were to stumble into the realm of speculation, then it might be more appropriate in the paranoia forum.
however, when discussing actual evidence of an actual event that has had a very real and very strong effect on, both, american and foriegn politics,... how can it not be included in the politics forum?
"Aside from what some rookie says, yes this is paranoia "
am i the "rookie" you speak of?
i joined this site because, from first appearance, it seemed to be a place where mature and enlightened people could come to, openly, exchange ideas on a variety of subjects. reading through this particular thread has been pretty disappointing.
i am at a total loss as to why you and ustwo, after repeatedly deeming this topic as undeserving of the politics thread or your time, would keep coming back, time and time again, just to put it down some more.
what is the point of that?
why does it bother you
so much that you would plea for mods to remove or move it? why wouldn't you just go read through a thread that you do consider worthy? is there any explanation for these actions, at all?