First of all I'm curious what is "filthy" about walking barefoot on a sidewalk or wearing flip-flops in the rain? First of all, rain should keep your feet relatively CLEAN if you're wearing sandals or the like. I mean, it's water falling on your body, much like taking a shower. As for the barefoot thing, the bottoms of your feet might get a bit dirty, but it's easy enough to wash off when you get home. Do you wear shoes on the beach? Your feet will, inevitably, get a little dirty there too, even on a white sand beach. I mean, if someone is going grocery shopping, wears flip flops, walks through mud and has dirt caked all over the top and sides of their feet, then that might fly in the face of cleanliness. However, that is an extreme. I think sandals/flip-flops in the rain is just fine. I think barefoot outside on the sidewalk isn't a huge thing. I mean, you'll have to put footwear back on before entering a store. Do you have kids? Would you let them play outside barefoot? I think it's a pretty typical allowance, and THEY'LL get way more "filthy" than most adults.