Originally Posted by ASU2003
I wouldn't have a problem with someone just taking pictures, but zooming in or clearly identifing who they were might be a problem if they get posted on the Internet. Someone could look at who registered the site, get their address, look for parks in the area, find out what school the kids go to, watch for them in the parking lot at school, follow them home, find out from public records what the family name is, finding the first name won't be too hard at that point, then they could get the kids e-mail address or mySpace account. But that is how the dramatic fear mongoring media thinks, is it reality or not, I don't know...
So this train of thought is limited to someone outright taking a photo of your kid? If one is to be petrified of such things, I'd say you should be more worried about camera phones. You'd never even KNOW a picture was taken. Oh, and child molesters are just as happy to go to any random park and do their own stalking than to let someone else start them off... Don't you ever watch Law & Order: SVU?
In all seriousness, worrying about shit like this is what removes personal freedoms from our ever shrinking arsenal. It's like the thread about taking equipment out of playgrounds. I mean, your kid could get hit by a car crossing the street. Is the answer to never let them cross? Or pass laws that prevent cars from driving on your street? Or is the answer ot be a fucking parent, teach them to look both ways and pray for their safety... really THAT is the only answer. The same goes for playground equipment, the same goes for predators. Kids are kids, they'll find a way to scrape their knee or break a bone. Sick fucks are sick fucks, and they'll find a way to let loose their shit on society, pictures or no pictures, parents knowing or not.