Its baffling how Israel is "at fault" and seen as the aggresor. It history serves as a point of perspective it wan't Israel invading 9 other sovereign nations in 48', it was countries like Egpyt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Likewise in 56' and in 67', and 73'. Maybe if it weren't for the PLO and destabilization that they caused all of that unsightly action in Lebanon would've been lessened. Your comparison to Israel as a kid who butts in and instigates is just plain wrong in a legitimate historical context, granted their hands aren't clean. I think a comparison of the power dynamic is Israel as the kid who gets picked on by a bunch of Arab bullies who picked the fight with the wrong Jewish kid on the block. After every war that has been fought Israel has offered peace, they offered concessions. They would always say recognize our state, make peace with us, leave us alone, and we will pull out of Gaza/West Bank/Golan Heights/insert territory captured in offenses started by Arabs. The problem is not Israel, it is the Arabs and Islamic Fundamentalism.
As for Israel and aid, they are the number one of America aid which comes primarily in loan form. Israel has never defaulted, the only country to never have defaulted; plus they use all the money to buy American products. The second biggest recipient is Egypt which they got for making peace with Israel. Furthermoer maybe US relations wouldn't be so cold towards Arab nations if they haven't historically been in bed with the soviets, or maybe their support of various shoddy things such as human rights, terrorism, or conflict.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.