*warning - threadjack*
Originally Posted by Sage
I have never heard of IUDs affecting orgasm... besides, a clit orgasm is more about the nerves in the clit and around that area than the actual uterus....
Sounds like it's time to go to your doctor and get your paxil adjusted- you have probably devloped a resistance to it and so it's not working like it should. You could just go off paxil completely and celebrate a drug free system  But that's just the "I hate psychoactive medications" in me talking 
Believe me, I'd love to go off the Paxil. I'm down to the lowest therapeutic dose, and I've tried stepping down but I really do still "need" it to treat the depression. Before I was actually diagnosed with depression, I was right there with you, hon. I thought antidepressants were a crutch for people without the mental and emotional strength to deal with the root of their problems.
But even with several years of intensive cognitive-behavior therapy and ruthless self-examination, I find that I slide right back into depression without the meds. I've stopped feeling "weak" and guilty about being on meds. Would you sneer at a diabetic for taking insulin? It took my neurochemistry 30 years to get into the state it's in, and I'm not at all surprised if it takes more than 2 for me to re-train my system away from a depressive neurochemical and cognitive state. Just like some (SOME) diabetics can eventually change their diet and exercise habits to reduce or eliminate the need for insulin, most people with depression who need meds to control it can eventually go without meds. However, it is a process that takes time. There are things I could be doing that I'm not - like walking 20 minutes every day - to speed up the process, and if the Paxil is behind the orgasm problems, I'll jump right on the exercise bandwagon to hurry up the weaning phase. But (to be a little snippy, apologies in advance) I'm not going to stop using something that's working to keep me from being miserable and self-loathing just because some people disapprove.