I've noticing a strange trend lately: the women in my sweet city of Toronto stoped carring about what they put on their feet.

It's true. The first signs appeared this winter, but I gave it up to bad weather and people not wanting to ruin their good pair. But now...spring is in the air, it's hot outside...there is no excuse.
The pristine white sneekers have been replaced with converse. Healed sandals and platforms were conquered by flip-flops and slippers. Those decent shoos still hanging on to dear life are scuffed and dirty. What is going on here?
Is it the economy? The new conservative (laught) govenment? The fact that I live in Canada? Are they waiting for summer shoe sales? Is this a new and disturbing fashion trend? The first sign of the apocalypse? Is this a side effect of Heat and Snow miser's epic battle this season?
Help me out here.