as i barely ever share things i;ve written with others.
but i got more than a little excited when i found the literature portion of tfp and enjoyed reading through some of it.
so i thought i'd send some of my own words hurling out into cyberspace.
eh... but, first, i will say that i
neverconsider anything i write/sketch/paint finished or complete (i'm more than a little compulsive), which is one of the main reasons i, normally, don't share them with others.
and i am usually only write when i;m feeling upset/down/languid.
i am really not this depressed...heh...
anyway, here's a few:
-------------The City -------------
the city breathes into the clouds
it's head is heavy, bricked and bowed
the tainted veins and festering creases
serve the living dead in juicy greases
the city is raped…inseminated…infected
parasites writhe and feed - undetected
and fill what’s empty with rancid pain
that clings to stone despite the rain
that pours like piss into their eyes
that cannot see or turn or cry
the tears they need to clear the path
into their mouths, so that they can ask
"why does our city breathe into the clouds,
while it's head is somberly bowed?"