When I was a kid, the local newspaper guy took a picture of me at a public event. It didn't seem to bother my parents, and my picture was in the newspaper.
But, now they would have asked to see ID that he in fact DID work for the newspaper and wasn't using that as some kind of cover story.
I wouldn't have a problem with someone just taking pictures, but zooming in or clearly identifing who they were might be a problem if they get posted on the Internet. Someone could look at who registered the site, get their address, look for parks in the area, find out what school the kids go to, watch for them in the parking lot at school, follow them home, find out from public records what the family name is, finding the first name won't be too hard at that point, then they could get the kids e-mail address or mySpace account. But that is how the dramatic fear mongoring media thinks, is it reality or not, I don't know...