Originally Posted by Crack
"a real man wouldn't shoplift the pootie from a single mom"
eh? using the term "shoplifting" would imply that he would be stealing "pootie", subsequetly implying that he would be raping her through force or because she is incapable of consenting due to being somewhat retarded or chromosomally-challenged. is this what you're saying?
(yeah, i know chromosomally-challenged is not a real word, but, frankly, it makes much more sense than your quote.:P )
or maybe i am just not getting it? (
entirely possible)
what, exactly, does it mean?
Originally Posted by Crack
If you do decide to go after this woman, realize that you are not dating just her, but her kid as well. Remember that, and you will be fine.
i don't think he expressed any interests in dating her kid... or any child, for that matter.
ok... so, i know that's not what you meant

, but i was just drawing attention to, what i see as, the absurdity of your statement. dating someone with a child, in
no way, means you are automatically involved in the child's life.
now, if he moved in with her... or they intentionally put him, as a central figure, in her child's life...that would be a different story.
to elaborate on this without repeating myself, i will refer you to my previous post.